Greece Woman Robbed by Furniture Delivery Guys [AUDIO]

Written by on August 3, 2021

We’ve all had something delivered over the course of the pandemic; whether that be food, clothes or gadgets. There has been an increase in porch pirates – people who take your packages from your porch and drive off.  But could you ever imagine being robbed by the delivery guy?

It happened to a woman in Greece, NY earlier this month, and she called into WDKX to spill the tea with Jazzy T.

Grace said that the furniture store contracted a third party delivery service, whom then hired yet another company to deliver and set-up furniture in her home.
While she was downstairs with one guy, the other two men were supposed to be upstairs setting up new bedroom furniture in her room.

However at least one of the delivery men wandered into her grandson’s room and stole 5 diamond rings she had hidden in his dresser drawer!!!

Click the podcast player above to hear this unbelievable story and make sure you keep a close eye on your valuables anytime a stranger is on your house.


Has this ever happened to you?

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