Governor Kathy Hochul Proposed Term Limits and a Ban on Outside Income for Statewide Elected Officials

Written by on January 4, 2022

As we kick off 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced her proposed plan to implement term limits for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller positions, as well as a ban on outside income for statewide elected officials while they are in office. According to Governor Hochul, her planned reforms are aimed at increasing accountability and trust in the integrity of the state government. Her planned limits of elected officials will be set at limits of two consecutive terms.

Governor Hochul stated: “On day one as governor, I pledged to restore trust in government and I have taken steps every day to deliver the open, ethical governing New Yorkers deserve. I want people to believe in their government again. With these bold reforms, we will ensure New Yorkers know their leaders work for them and are focused on serving the people of this state.”

Source: 13 WHAM

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