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Written by on August 23, 2019

Written by @_djreign

We are almost at the end of the Hot Girl Summer (thank you Megan Thee Stallion) we literally have 129 days left in 2019, so did you accomplish the goals you set for yourself in 2019? 

If the answer is yes, good freaking job – don’t stop get it, get it!!! 

Now, if the answer is no that is okay too, the most important thing to understand is just don’t give up – keep going and start working towards the goals you set again. Keep working towards them until you get them done. 

The amazing thing about life is that it’s never too late to do anything as long as you have breath in your lungs, a heartbeat and your mind, you can literally change the course of your life if you don’t like the direction you are going. 

You didn’t stick to your plans for the goal(s) you set at the beginning of the year, like I said before it is OKAY.  Remember you did NOT fail. As a matter of fact you can begin again today it’s that easy all YOU have to do is make the choice to begin again. 

So let’s start! First take an inventory of yourself – yep, self-reflection. 

That would include taking a moment for you to reflect on you so yes, you do have to call a timeout even if it’s for 5 minutes- just do it. I get it, life is busy and you have a lot going on, but remember if you are not okay you are not going to be able to help anyone or be there for anyone including yourself! 

You MUST put yourself first for the moment. 

As you take a couple of minutes to reflect do not dwell on how things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to, actually do the reverse! So that means see your goals come to life, close your eyes and visualize the outcome the way you want it (like you’re watching your own biopic but you are playing you lol) and then write your goals down with the way you visualized them to work out. 

Remember do not get stuck thinking about how things didn’t work – focus on how you would achieve that goal(s).

I know it may sound corny but if you focus on the positive and you do this daily your dreams will start to shape your reality. You will start to accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to do!

One last thing, and this is key, you MUST be realistic and set real attainable goals. Some will happen right away, some 6 months away, and some may even take 5-10 years depending on how big your dreams and goals are. 

Don’t wait start today, you can do it because you are a dope ass goal achiever!!

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