Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale Favorite Moment

Written by on August 29, 2017

So many thing’s happened in this finale smh… But in a good way!  

First of all how in the heck will the army of the dead aka the White Walker’s are going to be defeated??! They have hundreds of thousands of dead in their army, they have the giants, and one dragon that took down the entire North Wall that has stood for centuries to keep them out.

Anyway’s, besides that, one of my favorite moments from the season finale is when Arya, Sansa, and Brandon Stark called out Lord Baelish (Littlefinger) on all his lies.

Time to reset the series and start form the beginning or maybe I’ll just read all the books to keep me busy until the last and final season of the most amazing show I’ve ever watched!

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