Foodlink in Rochester is distributing food throughout the region

Written by on May 19, 2020

The pandemic has forced many residents in our region to choose between buying groceries and paying rent. Some people also can’t find the food they need on grocery store shelves. On the other side of the equation, local farmers have suffered because they haven’t been able to find viable solutions to financial losses caused by fewer orders, especially from restaurants and schools.

With help from a $1 million Nourish New York Program grant, Foodlink recently purchased surplus food from local farmers to provide fresh produce and dairy products to residents in Monroe County and other regions to combat food scarcity. On Saturday, May 16, Foodlink gave 400 families 75-pound boxes of food (30,000 pounds total). The boxes included fresh apples, cabbage, and dairy products in addition to non-perishables.

According to Dave Valesky, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Deputy Commissioner, officials have faced two problems when dealing with food scarcity: “One, the great need for food from New Yorkers across the state… and number two, the excess in supply from upstate farmers. So it’s really New Yorkers helping New Yorkers.”

Terra Keller, Foodlink’s Chief Operating Officer, further explained: “At Foodlink, we’re getting into what we’re calling our new normal, and I think while it’s very different from what life was 10 weeks ago. There [are] a lot of positives that have happened from collaboration, [and] community support.”

According to Foodlink, county residents can pick up emergency food boxes in Rochester on May 19, 20, and 21 during two-hour windows. Each resident must pre-register with Foodlink by calling 211 or texting 898-211.



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