Family Outraged After Nurse Beaten By Patient At Hospital
Written by Tariq on March 25, 2025
A nurse nearly died from a brutal attack by a psychiatric patient at the hospital she worked at. Now her family is demanding answers about how this could happen. Leela Lal was nearly beaten to death by a patient during her shift as a nurse at Palms West Hospital on Tuesday. The patient, Stephen Scantlebury, escaped the hospital after the attack and was arrested while running along the road. Leela had to be airlifted to the nearest trauma unit (which was not in her hospital) for treatment, where doctors learned that nearly every bone in her face was broken. Leela’s family was horrified by the incident. The siblings said they were outraged that Scantelbury was even admitted to the hospital, since he was being held on a Baker Act hold (involuntary admission into a mental health hospital or program), despite the hospital not being a Baker Act receiving facility. The siblings specifically noted that the hospital did not have the security or training necessary for a Baker Act receiving hospital. Leela remained in the ICU, but was taken off of her ventilator. Scantlebury was charged with attempted murder with a hate crimes enhancement due to statements he made about Leela after being arrested.
Source: Local 12