Drake Summer Sixteen Tour Review

Written by on August 16, 2016


One word to describe Drake’s Summer Sixteen performance last Friday… Impressive!

The most notable moment of the show wasn’t when he brought out Future or the fact that he performed 50 song in total, nope it was the balls! 

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Yes Drake’s balls. Get your mind out the gutter I’m talking about the glowing and color changing balls hanging from the celling that moved so graciously to the rhythm of his music.


All in all Drake gave one of his best performances yet and in my opinion has moved up in the game to top tier entertainer. Never seen a rapper/hip hop artist put on a show and engage the crowd like Drizzy. He takes you on journey that is definitely worth the price of the ticket.


By the way he loves him some Buffalo! His first performance in the states was at Daemen College.


– Reign

Current track

