Don’t Hate Go Forth And Create

Written by on August 10, 2020

People will talk about you, they will hate you, and oftentimes for no real reason or just because so and so doesn’t like you. Then you have people who will try their hardest to destroy you and your character because of your success. They may think or feel your success puts you in a position for opportunities that should be theirs.

I say all of that to say keep doing what YOU are doing and follow your own path to the good and blessings God has for you!

To those that hate, envy, are jealous of or dislike someone because they found their way and are successful please continue reading.

Your blessings are not theirs – you have to go out and get your own. Only YOU can create your own success. Again, your blessings depend solely on you and no one else.

So, stop playing the victim and making excuses for why you can’t do something and just go do it! Nothing and no one owes you anything. Get your butt up and go do what you need to do to create the life you want to live. Excuses are laziness and being the victim all the time will NOT get you anywhere. Take responsibility for you and your actions today!

Dream, create, plan, and forgive yourself when you make a mistake.

Love yourself completely put ALL energy into you. Then give the dreams of yours 150% without tearing anyone down. Watch how your life and dreams flourish!

Remember don’t block your blessings by allowing hate in your heart for someone else’s success

Do YOU and collect your own blessings!

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