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CPR helped save teen struck by lightning in Webster

Written by on August 20, 2024

A teenage girl in Webster was struck by lightning while taking photos on the Webster Pier on Saturday night, and quick action by bystanders helped save her life. Tammy White and her boyfriend were nearby when they heard a loud thunderclap and saw the girl collapse. White’s boyfriend immediately began performing CPR on the teen, whose clothes were shredded by the lightning strike. Another woman, also trained in CPR, joined in, and together they were able to revive the girl before paramedics arrived. The bystanders’ prompt CPR efforts is said to have saved her life. White shared the story to emphasize the importance of CPR training, while local CPR instructor Rob Dobberstein echoed the call for more people to become certified, as knowing CPR can make the difference in saving a life during emergencies.

Source: Rochester First

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