Could Another Kardashian Be A Victim Of Leaked Photos?

Written by on June 8, 2017

Could there be some personal photos leaked of Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian on a lost iPad?

Yet another thing that can be added to the list of things I never want to see and don’t care about.. Rumor has it there are photos of Khloe and Lamar floating around.

A Los Angeles woman said she found a iPad in a hotel room & was able to hack inside the device only to discover nude photos of Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom along with other personal information. Reports are also saying the woman is going around LA trying to sell the device with everything on it. Could this be another Kardashian attempt to stay in the spotlight? & is no one going to acknowledge that this random woman is hacking into iPads?


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