The Clover Center’s Discussion on Civility and BI-Partisanship: FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!

Written by on March 20, 2019

Are you frustrated with America’s political state? Is there hope for America and for everyone that disagrees with you?

The Clover Center is proud to host Dr. Andrew Koehl from Roberts Wesleyan College for a discussion about the current political climate in our country.

If you are disheartened by the current polarization and partisanship in our nation, don’t know how to talk to friends and family about your views and opinions, or just wondering where we can go from here, be sure to come out and join the discussion!

Dr. Koehl will give theoretical insights into how we arrived here, and practical strategies to break the cycle of polarization. Learn how to interact with friends and family who disagree with you in a positive and constructive manner!

Event Details:
Thursday March 28th, 6pm- 8pm @ The Clover Center
1101 Clover Street
Rochester, NY 14610


For more information visit:

The Clover Center for Arts & Spirituality exists to reach the community, foster creativity, understanding and personal development through the visual and performing arts, education and spiritual awareness.

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