Changes Coming To The Real Estate World

Written by on July 8, 2020

Things are changing in the wonderful world of real estate. As of June 20th real estate professionals are required to give clients at disclosure form outlining fair housing an anti discrimination rules.
According to news reports the forms must be visible and available at any open house or on real estate professional website in their offices.
All the people are asking for are equal playing grounds. What do you think of this change? Read more below.

(13 WHAM NEWS) “The state of New York has taken another step toward ensuring fair housing for buyers, sellers and renters.

As of June 20, real estate professionals are required to give clients a disclosure form that outlines fair housing and anti-discrimination rules.

That form must also be on display in any open houses, and on real estate professional’s websites and in their offices.

“As long as a person is qualified to purchase a house, regardless of what their income is, they should be shown any house in any neighborhood wherever they want to live,” said Andy Kachaylo, a real estate broker and the president of the Greater Rochester Association of Realtors.

Kachaylo says while the forms are a good idea, it has to be up to the individual real estate professional to make sure they’re doing the right thing.

“Fair housing isn’t a disclosure,” said Kachaylo. “It’s not a piece of paper or a pamphlet that you read. Fair housing is really about treating everybody exactly the same way.”

That means real estate professionals cannot answer questions like “who lives in this neighborhood?” and “are there a lot of kids here?” in addition to more direct questions like “what race or sexual orientation is this buyer?”

You can find a copy of that discrimination form here.


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