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Republicans are working with White House officials to determine if a short-term extension of enhanced unemployment benefits is the right move. While the Democrats and Republicans are arguing over a new relief package, the millions of unemployed Americans that have been relying on the extra money from the government are biting their nails. The extra […]

Back to “On-line Learning” school this fall has a problem. The country is facing a shortages and long delays, on laptops and other equipment needed for online learning. And it could take of up to several months for more to come in from China. In some cases exacerbated by Trump administration sanctions on Chinese suppliers. The […]

Right now, there are millions of Americans on unemployment due to the pandemic. That extra $600 / week has been helping many people keep their homes and lifestyles while being forced to wait out the pandemic. The extra money even helped those who wouldn’t normally be eligible for benefits like independent contractors and small business […]

Yesterday, the House of Representatives held a Saturday session and passed a piece of legislation that would help the Postal Service by reversing the changes that are causing their hardships. They also allocated $25 billion to make sure they would be all set for the November election. Many Republicans are calling the act a stunt […]

After this past summer’s primary elections, NYC now has new Assembly Members  who are working towards ending oil-burning and gas-fired units and generators. According to an analysis from the PEAK coalition, (an alliance of five clean-energy and environmental justice groups) “peaker” plant owners received $4.5 billion from 2010 to 2019 from the city. These “peaker” […]

Dr. Lesli Myers-Small, the Rochester City School District Superintendent, announced Tuesday that the district will be getting an additional 20% cut in State funding. This brings the total loss to $128 million. It’s estimated that food and transportation cuts will be around $6 million. The district was already facing a $74 million budget gap for […]

This past Tuesday the port in Beirut, Lebanon, experienced a massive explosion that left 150 dead, thousands injured, and a large portion of their city completely demolished. At first Trump claimed he had received info that it was an “attack” but since then his staff have said that it wasn’t. Trump concluded the week with […]

Labor Day is 2 1/2 weeks away, but New York State Police and other agencies will take part in their Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. The campaign from Which starts today through the holiday on September 7. Last year, nearly 5,000 tickets were issued for impaired driving, and more than 170,000 more for other violations. […]

Jeff Sanders, who is the CEO of Athletic Apex Health Clubs, also spearheads the NYS fitness Alliance who submitted their proposal for reopening this past Thursday. Its a nine page plan that details things like masking, social distancing, and the sanitation protocols that would be utilized for members and employees. Gyms have been struggling financially […]

Local financial experts remark that if this deals falls through it would be a big missed opportunity for Rochester. Peter Navarro, an advisor to Trump, was in Rochester several weeks ago for the announcement of a $765 million loan for Kodak to develop drug ingredients. But Kodak’s stock jumped up to $30 dollars a share […]

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