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You may be wondering what’s up with the new CDC guidance when it comes to isolation protocol, I know I am. So I did a little bit of research and found an article that might explain the change. According to the news report, the CDC guidance came a few days after Delta Air Lines […]
As we kick off 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced her proposed plan to implement term limits for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller positions, as well as a ban on outside income for statewide elected officials while they are in office. According to Governor Hochul, her planned reforms are aimed at increasing accountability […]
In Mayor Malik Evans’s first few days of serving as the city’s mayor, Evans started his first full day in the office dealing with the deaths of two of his city’s youngest citizens; Derrick Watson and Julius Greer Jr. On Friday, Watson, age 17, died of COVID-19, and just two days later, Greer, age 14, […]
The Monroe County health department is holding off on the new CDC guidelines when it comes to the new quarantine time. The CDC announced the new quarantine guidance from 10 day to now 5 days. Monroe County executive Adam Bello and Monroe County health commissioner Michael Mendoza will continue to follow the ten day isolation guidance. I think […]
Congratulations to Rochester’s new Mayor, Malik Evans who was sworn in on New Year’s Day 2022. Due to the rising cases of covid 19 numbers in the Rochester area Mayor Evans held a virtual inauguration becoming the 71st mayor for the city of Rochester.
In response to the ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases, Diddy decided to not enter 2022 with his annual big New Year’s Eve bash. Diddy was set to have his annual party in Miami with 500 of his closest friends but canceled due to the outbreak in Florida and the world, according to TMZ. The last […]
After receiving backlash on the shortening of isolation days from 10 to 5, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering altering its recommendations for people with COVID-19. According to Dr. Fauci, there was “some concern” that the CDC told people to isolate for five days but did not recommend that they get a […]
As children head back to school this week after a week-long winter break, many are nervous as the surge in COVID cases is making this challenging. According to the Rochester City School District, families and students were instructed to bring technology home in case of a shift to remote learning, and now, the head of […]
As COVID-19 cases are rapidly increasing, rapid at-home tests are being heavily distributed by school districts and are available at some stores. While many who are testing positive are also seeking a confirmation PCR or antigen test – the results of which are more accurate but take longer, many are wondering what do you do […]
As students and teachers prepare to head back to school on Monday after winter break, the Monroe County Health Department is urging parents, students and teachers to get tested for COVID. Monroe County Health Officials are warning us that we could see over 2,000 COVID-19 cases in the coming weeks. Dr. Michael Mendoza, the Public […]