Black Girls Are Less Innocent We Need Less Protection

Written by on June 28, 2017

Black girls need less protection, black girls need less support, black girls need less comfort, black girls know more about sex, black girls are more responsible, and black girls are more independent than white girls the same ages and as young as 5-9. The stereotypes are far worse for ages 10 and up.

Harsh words huh?… Well what if I told you that this is a reality that black girls have had to live with since slavery.  

A study didn’t have to tell me this information because I learned very early in my childhood that I was viewed differently from my white counterparts. Have I let these circumstances define who I have become today?

No. However, it was a very tough journey that I struggled within myself to flourish into a beautiful black woman. As a matter of fact, there are days here and there where I still struggle but I understand that healing is process and not all days will be good. I just hold strong  to my faith and trust God will guide me through.

As a black girl, young black woman, and a black women yes we are bold, we are strength, we are love, we are givers, we are nurturers we are intelligent, we are fierce but we still NEED love. Our innocence needs protecting, our spirit, our minds, our hearts ALL need to be nurtured.

I would encourage everyone to read this report that was published by Georgetown Law Center On Poverty and Inequality. It will provide you with insight but do NOT mistake it as an understanding of an experience because you will never truly know unless you walk in our shoes.

The system is designed to destroy the foundation of the black family from birth – the black woman. This goes back to slavery when the slave owners/masters viewed black girls/women as rugged and animal like because they could do the work of men in the field and satisfy the slave masters sexual needs.

If you don’t believe me do your research the information is there.

The reason you are reading this now is because that perception still exist – Jezebel, Saphire, and Mammy. In today’s terms it would be THOT, angry black woman, and mother (in that order)

Black girls are criticized more, face harsher disciplinary actions in schools than their white counterparts and even black boys.

Tell your daughters you love them and hold them tight protect them, build them up internally (self-esteem), and when they fall be there to pick up the pieces.  Without them, without us how will we survive? #theblackfamily

Read: Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls’ Childhood by Rebecca Epstein, Jamila J. Blake, and Thalia González

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