Ben & Jerry’s Loves All Flavors Especially Black Lives Matter

Written by on October 10, 2016

Ben & Jerry’s is not remaining silent when it comes the injustices we face regarding systemic and institutionalized racism.

In a statement posted on Ben & Jerry’s website they explain why Black Lives Matter.

Black lives matter. They matter because they are children, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. They matter because the injustices they face steal from all of us — white people and people of color alike. They steal our very humanity. 

The statement went viral and you already know folks took to social media supporting Ben & Jerry’s with the hashtag . People from all over the world created new flavors with black pride. Some of the flavor names had me literally laughing my butt off like “Go Shawty, Its Sherbet Day”-  @karyewest and my favorite “Wish A Nougat Would” – @waynemidnite. 

Here are some more flavas!

Underground Rocky Railroad – @itsJANAEduhhh

No Justice, No Peach – @EricTheWriter

Pop, Lock and Chocolate – @itsmikailii

Make Em Say Uhh, Ba-na-na-na – @koopa_kinte

Fudge The Police – @Kevunn

By Any Creams Necessary – @ClintSmithIII

Birth of a Pecan – @whitehallcoffee


– Reign

Current track

