Be Kind To You

Written by on December 7, 2021

I think we all or at least most of us can agree we are living in a very challenging time. I’m not talking about just financial it’s spiritual, mental, emotional, and even physical. Even our belief systems have been challenged.

The reason I bring this up is that we really have to pay attention to what we are saying to ourselves. Yes, that’s correct what we say to ourselves about ourselves is more important now than ever. If you are beating yourself up about a mistake, STOP. If you are judging yourself, STOP. In order to grow through this time, it is very important to take the time to be kind to yourself.

Being kind to yourself will help you navigate this challenging moment a little bit easier and it will also help you to be more kind and compassionate to others. If you want the world to be a better place then change starts with you. It may feel weird at first but just start with saying “I Love You” to yourself in the mirror. If you don’t want to look in the mirror that’s fine also just start by saying your first name and then follow it by saying _______ I Love You.

Set the goal of saying I Love You to yourself in the mirror for 2022 and work towards that. Again, change starts with you!


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