Author: Andre
Page: 87
Rochester Housing Authority is offering a rental assistance program. The program will reduce rent up to 100 percent if you are out of work from the Coronavirus pandemic. For individuals in rental assistance programs, for example Section 8 or public housing you can apply for temporary rent reduction. If you are in a public housing […]
Earlier today, the Department of Labor announced that its online unemployment insurance application would shut down at 5:00 PM to allow for critical upgrades as part of their comprehensive ‘Tech Surge.’ Every evening, this online system closes from 7:00 PM to 7:30 AM to allow the DOL’s database to process applications. As we are currently migrating to […]
Easter Sunday can fall on any date between March 22nd and April 25th. The dates change because Easter happens on the Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon. The word Paschal means “Passover” in Greek which is a transliteration of the Hebrew word pesach. The Paschal Full Moon is the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. This is sometimes […]
The Money is coming. Here is what you need to know: About the ECONOMIC IMPACT PAYMENT Cheryl McKeiver, PhD info update 04.09.2020 (reason info is fluid and changes) The Money is coming. Here is what you need to know: About the ECONOMIC IMPACT PAYMENT Cheryl McKeiver, PhD How much? o One payment and […]
Kobe Bryant is now a 5 time New York Times Bestseller for his latest book The Wizenard Series: Season One. The book was released in March by his company Granity Studios. It will debut on the New York Times Bestsellers list later this month. The Wizenard Series: Season One also made No. 1 on Amazon’s bestseller […]
The virus is killing black and Latino New Yorkers at twice the rate of whites. Deaths numbers rise:
As the weather changes becoming warmer we still have to continue to practice social distancing while we are out. That means we should not be congregating at parks. Earlier this week it was announced in Monroe County we are slipping when it comes to social distancing and staying home. Monroe County Executive Adam Bello said […]
We all may be inside but that does not stop the laughter! Talent Da Comedian continues to bring us comedy online with the It’s Just Comedy – The Show. In each episode Talent talks with different comedians across the country. They each share their backstories with jokes of course, to bring us much needed laughs […]
It was so nice outside Monday! People came out to enjoy the sun and warmer weather which is okay but only with practicing social distancing and unfortunately some were not. In Monroe County we were doing pretty good with the stay at home order however, it looks like we’re starting to go against that order. […]