Author: Andre

Page: 109

WWYBFD?? Selena Gomez best friend, and now for life Francia Raisa donated one of her kidney’s to Selena who underwent a kidney transplant this summer.  

According to BBC News, six people are dead and more than 70 people have been hospitalized at this time from a fire that roared through a west London tower Tuesday night. The fire is still burning this morning and more casualties are expected according to authorities. 

The Department of Justice made the decision not to file charges in the independent investigation into the death of Freddie Gray Jr. in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Yep Floyd Mayweather is talking to puppets, the Awkward Puppets. Durning the interview Mayweather said he has 7 women and he doesn’t deal with girls, he deals with women. 

Friday can’t come quick enough as we anticipate the 2 Pac movie All Eyes On Me dropping in theaters this weekend! The film company that is behind the 2 Pac film, Lionsgate is busy working on a new biopic. 


Today is the day to VOTE! Polling sites are open from 12pm-9pm. Why 12pm? Because this is for the “Primary Election” where voters who are enrolled in a party nominate a party candidate and party officers who they feel best represents their needs. To look up your voter information to ensure you are enrolled in […]

What in the world?!.. A boy in Bell Gardens, California put his quarter in a one of those gum-ball vending machines that dispenses toys to get what he thought was putty. 

September 11, 2017

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