Acknowledging Good People Doing Good Things In Our Community

Written by on June 25, 2020

What or who has helped you get through the difficult moments during the coronavirus pandemic?

For instance, it could either be singing, writing, prayer, a friend, your fur baby, or all of the above. What kept you going and your spirits up? Let us know by calling and leaving your comment or texting it 678-1039.

It has not been easy to navigate through this challenging and difficult time for many of us. For me, I’ve been keeping as busy as possible and making sure I’m sticking to a routine that somewhat reflects what my days were like pre-pandemic.

It will not be the same for everyone, you have to find what will work for you. Most importantly do not give up on you. Lean on those good people around you, take a walk in nature and just breathe, dance a little, watch a funny or uplifting movie. Find your happy place!

There were a few people that inspired and helped me through this coronavirus outbreak. One of the individuals is Ashley Mercado who is a health care professional.

Ashley, thank you for the videos and positive posts. And, thank you for your dedication and sacrifice working on the frontlines. The information you shared at the beginning of the pandemic and continue to share is extremely helpful.

She is kind of like our own version of Dr. Fauci lol. The videos she posted are great and very informative. She talks in-depth about the virus and how serious it is. This is where I first learned how the virus spreads, how to protect myself and those around me. Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge and light with us!

I had a chance to catch up with Ashley and ask what song or quote helped her through this is what she shared.

Song: I’ll Find You by Lecrae ft. Tori Kelly.

Quote: “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise” – Les Miserables, Victor Hugo

This quote she said is what get’s her through.

“One thing I would say is this experience has opened my eyes to the things I took for granted! Hugs, spending time with family, and most of cherishing time! Time is precious and it’s something that’s overlooked! Working through the pandemic and seeing all these COVID patients broke me, some didn’t get extra time… But I did and I will forever cherish time, every second God gives me with my family, friends, and my children!” – Ashley Mercado

Continue to share your love and light with our community and in this world. People are paying attention, you are appreciated.

You can follow her on Facebook click Ashley Mercado

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