Gnarly Davidson Has Arrived

Written by on February 14, 2017

Remember when that cellphone blew up against Cee-Lo Green’s head?

Okay then remember how a couple of days later he came out saying the video wasn’t real? He claimed the video was just a stunt to reveal  birth his new character Gnarly Davidson.

Okay so now Cee-Lo is saying that the fit he sported at the Grammy’s was actually his final transformation into his new persona Gnarly Davidson.

Here’s a quote from Gnarly, Cee-Lo, or whatever he’s going by these days to XXL on the transformation:

“Look at me… LOOK AT ME! YOU DID THIS TO ME CEELO GREEN, YOU FUCKING IDIOT. BUT I LIKE IT, I’m actually…BETTER! Than you… than everyone! A karmikaze upon you! Vengeance is mine sayeth GNARLY DAVIDSON. P.S. TECHNOLOJESUS saves.”

Imagine doing that interview. Lawd.

If you’re not feeling the all gold Davidson, don’t worry! He comes in multiple colors!



It’s a fun sci-fi-y idea but it’s just all too much. The make up and wardrobe. Is he going to do this every time he leaves the house?

Now, if this was all a publicity stunt to release a sci-fi movie with a soundtrack of only Gnarls Barkley, Cee-Lo Green, and Gnarly Davidson music that’ll be kinda dope. It’d be like a less cool, sci-fi version of Purple Rain.

I have no idea what could be going on in that man’s mind. He’s definitely living life in his own reality which is a beautiful thing. So do you boo. I don’t really get it yet, but ya know I respect the creative process or whateva.

What I wanna know is what’s gonna happen with this guy. I thought he was supposed to be Gnarly Davidson. NSFW also this song is terrible:

Current track

