Cavs Fan Fired For Disrespectful Tweet To Step Curry & His Daughter

Written by on June 10, 2016

How many times have we said watch what you say on Twitter because it could cost you your job?

scWell a Cleveland Cavalier fan found out the hard way when he tweeted some harsh words about Stephen Curry and his 3 year old daughter Riley. To make it worse he went on bragging about the tweet as the game progressed try to take the credit for Steph’s performance. 

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A few Golden State fans, Stephen’s sister included weren’t about to play with angry tweeter and responded back. Other fans on twitter found out where the angry tweeter worked and tweeted his employer and that’s when things went left.


The Cavs fan employer released a letter apologizing to the Curry family and let them know he would no longer be employed by the agency.

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The crazy part is the fan is okay with being fired saying it was all worth it!

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Like seriously, I personally don’t think 20 seconds of “social media fame” is worth a career but hey to each his/her own. No matter how you look at it going after a toddler on social media is just dead ass wrong!

Bruh you’re a bully and you have some real anger issues you should probably deal with… smh

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