Why Trump Won’t Pardon Himself And Next Hot Topic Changes To Gun Laws

Written by on January 12, 2021

So the PGA decides to not hold its 2022 championship at Trump’s New Jersey Golf course Bedminster. Then Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots says he will not accept the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump. Why?

Because of the tragic and violent events of last week.

The insurrection at Capitol Hill was one of the worst attacks on the Capitol in American history. Is Trump losing the PGA championship or his “friend” not accepting a medal from him enough? Absolutely not.

But this is not originally why I am writing this blog however I’m watching the news and two thoughts occurred. The first one Trump can’t pardon himself – he won’t. Even if he wanted to he couldn’t because it is legally an admission of guilt. Admitting guilt would definitely leave him open for a multitude of civil cases. We will discuss that further with Attorney Al Parisi from Parisi and Bellavia Tuesday on the Wake-Up Club Watercooler.

Kind of ironic but more so the universe reacting to that bad juju Trump has been putting out since he took office. What you put out into the universe you get back.

Now, the biggest thing I want to address is gun control and gun rights.

Yep, pretty sure going forward things are going to change. See it’s one thing to bear arms and use guns on innocent black people, kids at schools, or in random mass shootings across the country. But it is a whole other thing to take up arms and go to the Capitol with the intention to cause a civil war.

If you think there won’t be stricter gun control or a shift in gun laws you are mistaken. The talk is not happening yet but it will once the dust settles and we get through the next couple of weeks. The Biden-Harris Administration along with the Democratic control of the Senate…. you know what, I will just leave that there. Do your own research and you will know why.

Watch and see this play out. Gun control will be an issue and an even hotter topic than it’s ever been very soon. You can thank the terrorists, white supremacists, thugs, and ignorant Trump followers attacking the Capitol for it all. Angry white Americans have turned on themselves, the government, and the police. Changes will come whether you like it or not.


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