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The CDC Has Issued Joint Statements Regarding International Air Travel

Written by on November 23, 2020

The CDC has raised its warning levels to its highest degree regarding cruises and is also regulating international flights once more.

The level 4 travel notice says that “all people” should avoid traveling by cruise ship because “the risk of COVID-19 on ships is very high.”

In a statement on its website, officials said:

“Cruise passengers are at increased risk of person-to-person spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, and outbreaks of COVID-19 have been reported on cruise ships. Passengers who decide to go on a cruise should get tested 3-5 days after your trip AND stay home for 7 days after travel. Even if you test negative, stay home for the full 7 days.”

They also released an update concerning international air travel:

“Air travel requires spending time in security lines and airport terminals, which can bring you in close contact with other people and frequently touched surfaces,” the CDC said. “Social distancing is difficult in busy airports and on crowded flights, and sitting within 6 feet of others, sometimes for hours, may increase your risk of getting COVID-19. How you get to and from the airport, such as with public transportation and ridesharing, can also increase your chances of being exposed to the virus.”

USA Today

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