Emergency Regulation Requires Businesses To Enforce Mask Policy Or Face Hefty Fine

Written by on July 18, 2020

All over New York State, businesses large and small are requiring face coverings and social distancing measures to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Even though it is mandated by the state, it’s not uncommon to see patrons not wearing masks as they shop around.

After receiving complaints about the lack of enforcement, the state Department of Health has decided to increase the penalty if they find any violations.

An emergency regulation was approved and now businesses will face a $1,000 maximum fine if they allow customers to enter or remain on the premise without social distancing or wearing masks. Customers who refuse to comply will also be subject to a $1,000 fine per violation

The fines would be issued after an investigation by the state / county health departments according to State Health Department official Erin Silk.

Democrat & Chronicle

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