2 Rochester Zip Codes Hit Hardest By COVID-19

Written by on June 4, 2020

The WDKX Wake-Up Club had City of Rochester Equity Officer Dr. Cephas Archie on the radio Thursday Morning talking about the 2 zip codes exposed to the coronavirus. Dr. Archie and Dr Hank Rubin are apart of the Rapid Response Team. Rochester Zip Codes 14609 and 14621 are the hardest hit when it comes to COVID-19. Dr. Archie is urging the Rochester community to not only continue practicing social distancing but to get tested when it is available. The City of Rochester has been pushing Social Distancing Practices:

– Stay home as much as possible.
– Continue to wear a face mask in public
– Stay 6 feet apart from those outside your household.
– Limit social gatherings to household members.
– Avoid crowded places.
– Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and warm water.
– Cover sneezes and coughs with a bent elbow.
– Stay home if you feel ill or display symptoms of COVID-19


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