Monday Motivation: Take Time To Heal You

Written by on February 17, 2020

Starting off your brand new week with a challenge, healing and getting closer to yourself.

You can’t expect other people to give you the very best and treat you how you feel you should be treated when you don’t demand that from yourself.

What you expect from people and how you want them to treat you, remember you MUST be able to give that in return to you. If you don’t respect yourself or treat yourself with care people will see that and move accordingly. It’s up to you to set the tone in how you want other people to handle you.

You are in control.

Yes, people will disappoint you pretty much all the time however, that is a part of life. Navigating hurt, betrayal, misunderstanding, and everything else is not easy. BUT, in order for you to grow and become a better you, you will experience the ugly stuff from time to time. That’s the most amazing part!

The tough moments will make you better but only if you allow them. Again, only you are in control of you.

One way you can grow and become a better you is by allowing yourself to heal and embracing the bad situations while also accepting where you’re at. Sounds like a lot but when you break it down and take it step by step you can work through things and begin the healing process.

It’s up to you to make the choice to work through the tough moments. No matter how bad it seems remember take it one step at a time, keep a positive mindset, stay strong in you and your faith all while moving forward.

Healing is incredibly important and no one can heal you but YOU.

Treat yourself with the upmost care and love yourself completely and unconditionally. Give yourself the love you need and watch your life transform!

If you need extra support do not hesitate to ask a trusted friend to help you through – sometimes it’s needed. Also, if you feel you need more support by all means please seek the help of a therapist.

Take care of you first!

The decision is up to you. Heal and enjoy your beautiful journey.

You are beautifully YOU!

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