Prices Going Up For Face Masks Due To Caronavirus.

Written by on February 3, 2020

One of the most feared and deadly viruses being reported in the media within the last Five to Six years has been the Corona virus. I believe up to 10 people in New York State has been tested for the virus and all results being negative.
Now whenever there’s a highly publicized deadly virus being reported such as the H1N1, SARS, Ebola, to name a few people find a way to financially benefit off it. Reports are now showing prices on Amazon that medical face masks are skyrocketing.
The Novotel face mask with print prices went from $14.99 up to $27.99 in the last 10 days, and the Axpowered dust mask went up from $15.99 to $40.99 and a box of 100 disposable face masks are going for $30.99 and Amazon won’t be able to ship those out to you until late February.
Clear example of supply and demand no different from the cost of health care in America.
Health officials are still not sure if face masks can protect you from the caronavirus. To be safe clean everything with lysol it kills all germs that tip is free the next one will cost you.

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