iTunes Says Goodbye After Nearly 20 Years

Written by on June 4, 2019

Berry, Australia – June 23, 2016: An Apple iPod Nano 4th generation, in silver, with Apple Earpods attached.

During a press conference on Monday, Apple announced that it would be discontinuing the beloved iTunes app and replacing it with Apple Music, Apple Podcasts and Apple TV. These updates will come with macOS Catalina update, the newest version of Apple’s most advanced desktop operating system.

For years there have been rumors that this move was in Apple’s future, and now, with these separate streaming platforms, they can begin to re-brand themselves as an entertainment conglomerate, instead of a tech hardware company that also has a few entertainment services on the side.

Personally, I think this is the smartest move for Apple. Don’t get me wrong, iTunes was, and will probably always be remembered as, one of the most revolutionary music services of the early 2000s. It streamlined the download process without leaving your computer slow and riddled with viruses like other services available at the time… *cough* Limewire *cough*!

Nowadays however, I can’t even remember the last time I downloaded a song to ANY device! With Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud, and so much more out there cutting out the use of any kind of downloading, I find myself agreeing with Apple, iTunes is a dead end. Can’t wait to see how the macOS Catalina update turns out!

R.I.P. iTunes 2001-2019, you will be missed. ??

P.S. If you use Apple products let us know how you feel about the new update. Leave a comment, let’s start a conversation!!

Reader's opinions
  1. Tam tam   On   June 5, 2019 at 7:10 am

    How about us Samsung users? I have the iTunes app on my device. I pay 10 bucks a month for it. All my music Will be gone. That’s f’d up.

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