Study finds pretty women are happier with ugly men
Written by Andria on October 5, 2017
I mean Beyonce seems happy so this must be right. Right?
According to researchers at Florida State University and Southern Methodist University, if the husband is more attractive in a relationship, the wife feels she needs to compensate by over obsessing about her diet and fitness.
Then another study put out by FSU says that women are much more happy and feel more appreciated when they’re with an ugly guy. The research found that ugly men (a more politically correct term is “not traditionally attractive”) were more committed and “more invested in pleasing their wives when they felt that they were getting a pretty good deal.”
It sounds like some butt ugly ass man that is constantly friend zoned headed this research, but it was actually headed by two women which was surprising to me. I’m not falling for this ugly propaganda though. I’ve tried dating ugly before. It just wasn’t for me.
What do you think about this research?