Coming to America The Sequel

Written by on March 17, 2017

Eddie Murphy is reportedly in the beginning stages of writing a part two of Coming to America.

According to our sources, this project has been on the hush hush for the last few years. After a recent tweet from Eddie Murphy, the world now knows the sequel of Coming to America is on its way!



Technically, Murphy shouldn’t have said anything yet, according to producers. Some speculate his Twitter was hacked.

Next year will the 30th Anniversary of Coming to America, what better way to celebrate that then to release a sequel?

This is by far one of my favorite movies ever. Honestly, they should just cast me as the daughter, like hello?63e090_4ab792d01f47446b88d1ef76a98cb5c7~mv2


Princess of Zamunda


They could dead ass be my parents. Ya’ll better stop playin’ and cast me!

I’ve heard from some reliable sources they already have the entire thing casted though, but it’s still early enough to make some changes!

A lot of people are on the fence about a sequel though, including DJ Sight who said they shouldn’t ruin a good thing and it should be left alone.

What do you think?

Should they make the sequel or should it be left alone?

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