$17 Million in funding going to communities on the shoreline

Written by on August 14, 2020

The Lake Ontario Business Resiliency Program will fund restoration and resiliency efforts from previous flooding, in addition to future flood threats. Gov. Cuomo announced that over 140 businesses along Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River will share the $17 million. Affected businesses qualify for up to 50 percent reimbursement for project costs, maxing out at $200,000 per award.

Types of eligible projects include:

  • Elevating and/or moving built structures like offices, restrooms, stores, restaurants, parking or boat storage
  • Raising/relocating fueling facilities
  • Converting to floating docks or other docks that allow for movement with raising and lowering water levels
  • Strengthening existing dockage connection points
  •  Retaining and/or creating vegetated buffers along the waterfront

Go find your local landscape architect and get in on this!

Source: Rochester First

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