Alex Jones trustee files emergency request as Sandy Hook families battle over assets

Written by on June 27, 2024

A court-appointed bankruptcy trustee has filed an emergency motion amid disputes among Sandy Hook families regarding the assets of Alex Jones’ Infowars. Following defamation suits, families were awarded nearly $1.5 billion in damages against Jones for falsely claiming the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting never occurred. The families are now divided, with some accusing others of attempting a “money grab” by filing to collect damages directly from Jones’ company, Free Speech Systems. This move has led to concerns about an inequitable distribution of assets among all claimants. The trustee has argued for a controlled liquidation of Free Speech Systems to ensure a fair distribution. The emergency motion seeks to prevent a rushed seizure of assets that could devalue the company, thus potentially jeopardizing the planned orderly shutdown and asset liquidation. The situation remains tense as Infowars continues broadcasting, with Jones vowing to keep the show running regardless of ownership changes.


Source: NPR

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