Tops friendly market

Comedian Dave Chappelle was in Buffalo last weekend. I actually thought it was a pop up comedy show because I didn’t hear anything about it until a few days before it happened. Come to find out after Dave Chappelle made the announcement about his show it sold out within minutes at the Shea’s Performing Arts […]

After the terrorist attack in Buffalo last weekend, Tops was quick to jump in to focus their help and support on the survivors and the community, making sure the people in the Jefferson Avenue neighborhood are taken care of. They even went a step further, by setting up the verified Buffalo 514 Survivor’s Fund. The […]

After last Saturday’s mass shooting in Buffalo at a grocery store has lawmakers in New York State wanting to bring back the death penalty. The death penalty in the state of New York has stopped since 2004  after the New State Court Of Appeals declared that it violated the state’s constitution. Republican lawmakers still want […]

New York State Attorney General Leticia James is telling people to be careful and be on the lookout for charity scamers asking for donations in the wake of the Buffalo New York mass shooting over the weekend.

Wegmans announced earlier this week that they’re adding plexiglass to all checkout lines inside all it’s stores in our area. Now Tops Friendly Market will also do the same for all their 162 stores in New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. The goal is protect employees and customers from spreading the Coronavirus to each other. Along […]

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