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If you receive SNAP benefits you may be able to use them to shop online for good very soon. Legislation passed the bill in late July and now only needs Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign it into law. The bill “authorizes the use of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to purchase online groceries in accordance […]

We all may be inside but that does not stop the laughter! Talent Da Comedian continues to bring us comedy online with the It’s Just Comedy – The Show. In each episode Talent talks with different comedians across the country. They each share their backstories with jokes of course, to bring us much needed laughs […]

Can you say catfish?

Retail giant Neiman Marcus is selling cooked collard greens. Yep!… Seasoned to perfection with bacon, cooked, and delivered right to your door so all you have to do is heat and eat. Whose auntie is making these greens? We need to know (side-eye) The greens could be yours for the high ass price of $66.00 […]

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