drunk driving
RTS is offering free rides on its RTS Connect buses starting at 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. The initiative, announced in partnership with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and Rochester Police Department, aims to reduce drunk driving and promote safe celebrations during the holiday. This service provides residents with a convenient and responsible way […]
Justin Timberlake’s recent DUI arrest has resurfaced an old Budweiser drunk driving commercial with his former group members NSYNC. The commercial was a Superbowl ad from 2001.
Justin Timberlake, the renowned singer and actor, was arrested for driving while intoxicated in the Hamptons. The Suffolk County District Attorney’s office confirmed the arrest occurred on Tuesday in Sag Harbor, a popular summer destination on Long Island. Timberlake was arraigned in Sag Harbor Village Justice Court later that morning. At 43, Timberlake is currently […]
There are a few lawmakers in New York State that want to lower the threshold for driving while intoxicated and are pushing for a new bill. In New York the current DWI threshold is a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08 but some lawmakers want to bring that down to 0.05. The lawmakers in support of […]
Pretty soon if you plan on going out to drink You better make plans on getting a lyft or Uber. Congress approved that automakers must install a technology in the newer vehicles that detects drunk drivers. This technology should prevent our limit driver’s operation of their vehicle if it detects impairment. The drunk driving technology […]