High school student helps save the life of car crash victim

Written by on June 14, 2024

Leigha Walker, a student at Holley High School, heroically saved the life of a car crash victim in Brockport, New York. On Sunday, while working at Subway on Brockport-Spencerport Road, Walker heard a loud crash and discovered that a car had collided with the building. Rushing outside with three coworkers, they found a 67-year-old man unconscious behind the wheel with the doors locked. The employees managed to free the victim, who was barely breathing with a weak pulse. Walker, CPR certified since last year, immediately began chest compressions until deputies and first responders arrived. They used an AED and transported the man to Strong Memorial Hospital, where he survived. Walker, an honors student and varsity athlete, expressed surprise at having to use her CPR skills, humorously noting that the bread she was baking at the time remained unburnt.

Source: Rochester First

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