Bricks and Handcuffs

Written by on December 30, 2020

In Massachusetts, Worcester Police arrested four teenagers in response to an emergency call for ‘assault with a brick’. Apparently, a few kids were out throwing bricks at cars passing by and one motorist was badly injured in the face.

According to CNN, the calls kept coming in and investigators received information on passengers in a red SUV throwing bricks at other cars in the area.
Eventually, the offenders were spotted by officers and approached. Of course, they fled! Then, two guys jumped out and ran while two females stayed in the vehicle.
When captured, the officers found that the two females were 15 and 16 years old and the two males were 15 and 16 years if age as well.
I’m gonna ask WDKX’s own DJ Sight a Dumb-Dumb of The Day crown on this one. My question is, why would anyone go and do an attention-getting crime in a big red truck? What are your thoughts? The WDKX Frontline is 585-678-1039. Text or voice what’s on your mind.
Here’s the story.

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